I’m seduced by dead leaves, hard rocks, and naked trees. It’s no new thing but is a lasting thing. Apparently, however, it’s an odd thing. Few I know are as beguiled. Fewer still embrace the starkness of winter’s alluring analogous neutral grays and browns. So what makes me curiously different? As a kid I’d lose myself in the neglected field on the other side of the stonewall boundary of our groomed yard. All manner of weeds left to their potential… Read more »

Unreasonable cold paid us a visit for a few weeks. It was so cold I swear I could see the bitterness in the air. Relentless, sharp-edged wind aided and abetted the snap. The cold causes my shoulders to scrunch upward in a futile attempt to keep my ears, neck and the rest of me warm but only succeeds in providing my massage therapist more knots to knead.  Then one day a welcomed reprieve arrived with morning temps above freezing. Looking… Read more »

There’s concern over my toenails. It’s not made the nightly news yet, but there’s a palpable unrest. Gratefully, the problem isn’t fungal. Scary, scaly green babbling blobs with pencil thin legs are not lurking between my toes or under my nails. But, there has been and continues to be a move for color change.  Not a manicure kind of gal, and not to forsake all girly-girl things, my intrinsic tom boy does go for late Spring and Summer pedicures. Pink,… Read more »

pen sketch of four crows on a limb by carol a. watson

The crows and me, we rely on each other. We’ve created a daily habit. I lay food on the murders’ rock. Good stuff like chicken and pork fat, bones, bread and food gone amuck. They recognize and acknowledge me with their non-melodic caw, caw, caws, but only from afar, even after our countless ritualistic mornings. I’m talking a commitment of years and in all kinds of weather. They glide down from their lookout limbs onto crow rock to grab and go… Read more »

Life isn’t lived in a straight line or at an even pace. My life with creativity is no exception. Hiccups happen and send it off on tangents.  The occasional yawn spawned by a slump seemingly stops its forward motion. Divergence off the “beaten path” does have merit, however, as does pausing to reconnoiter. Frost knew the value of “taking the road less traveled” – both can offer new perspective. I’ve been absent from posting in my blog for awhile. Hiccups… Read more »

Thought begets clarity or, at the least, holds the potential. Philosophers are lauded as masters of thinking because they delve deeply into deciphering the meaning of life and other profound puzzlements. After great consternation, Descartes, for example, determined, “Cogito ergo sum,” that he actually did exist because he had thoughts. And artist Auguste Rodin sculpted what has become one of the most recognized statues that symbolizes philosophy, “The Thinker.” Credit for more modern references on the value of thought go to… Read more »

Welcome to the first My Life With Creativity blog post! It’s been my dream for quite some time to start a blog but indecision on content kept the idea dormant. Now that the snow is finally melting, Spring, as well as my blog is coming alive. When my talented, Cambridge School of Culinary Arts trained nephew Chris started his latest blog, My Life With Food, I was inspired and decided. I like to cook and eat but I love to be… Read more »