Life isn’t lived in a straight line or at an even pace. My life with creativity is no exception. Hiccups happen and send it off on tangents.  The occasional yawn spawned by a slump seemingly stops its forward motion. Divergence off the “beaten path” does have merit, however, as does pausing to reconnoiter. Frost knew the value of “taking the road less traveled” – both can offer new perspective. I’ve been absent from posting in my blog for awhile. Hiccups… Read more »

Stories entertain and affect. They can explain the unexplainable, make sense out of the senseless, and if lucky, make us feel connected. I believe we all crave connection and a sense of belonging. In some ways that seems odd since we ARE all connected. It’s an ecological fact. Yet facts don’t always satisfy the human mind and rarely the heart. John Muir knew of the law of connection. He said, “When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he… Read more »

Creativity doesn’t just happen all by itself. Extraordinary forces spur it on from the shadows. They’re sowers of seeds, brain stormers, cheerleaders, and coaches that flex inspirational muscle, give a directional push or an encouraging, if unspoken, “Go ahead, give it a whirl. Surprise yourself.” The world would be lacking a whole lot of wonderful if these forces ever quit their nurturing nudging. There’d be far fewer ideas and inventions, plays and paintings, novels and movies, songs and sonnets. Inspiration… Read more »

They say you are what you eat. But that would mean I should be a giant puff of delectable stove popped popcorn! I’ve eaten at minimum a gazillion popped kernels since I was a wee one and I’m still going strong on the cusp of my 62nd year consuming that a”maize”ing food.   It’s my go to snack, my food addiction. It’s also been said that “Man shall not live by bread alone …” but I believe man cannot live… Read more »