I’m a habitual and organized sort, traits I wear with ease. They minimize life’s wrinkles,  give it a good look and feel and keep chaos at bay. Attempts to be otherwise would be futile. Routine and organization are the warp and weft in the fabric that makes me, me. It’ll be no surprise then that I’ve worked out in gyms three mornings a week for over half my life. Cardio, weights, and stretching. While gravity, grey hair, crepey skin, and… Read more »

Unreasonable cold paid us a visit for a few weeks. It was so cold I swear I could see the bitterness in the air. Relentless, sharp-edged wind aided and abetted the snap. The cold causes my shoulders to scrunch upward in a futile attempt to keep my ears, neck and the rest of me warm but only succeeds in providing my massage therapist more knots to knead.  Then one day a welcomed reprieve arrived with morning temps above freezing. Looking… Read more »

Creativity doesn’t just happen all by itself. Extraordinary forces spur it on from the shadows. They’re sowers of seeds, brain stormers, cheerleaders, and coaches that flex inspirational muscle, give a directional push or an encouraging, if unspoken, “Go ahead, give it a whirl. Surprise yourself.” The world would be lacking a whole lot of wonderful if these forces ever quit their nurturing nudging. There’d be far fewer ideas and inventions, plays and paintings, novels and movies, songs and sonnets. Inspiration… Read more »